Words. Words have the ability to wound, to heal, to create, to destroy. For the artists, your words are your fuel. Ignite the fire, but do not seek to burn others. It is through words that we seek understanding, through words we determine our fates.

Choose them wisely.

IGNITE POETS is an initiative dedicated to providing young poets in the Toronto area with a chance to be heard- How do we do this? We hold showcases every couple of months and feature guest poets with prestige and honour to their names.Why was IGNITE launched? The voices of young poets are often overlooked and in some cases, ignored. IGNITE is striving to ensure that young poets will not be overlooked or ignored and their messages are heard loud and clear. IGNITE will provide unique opportunities for young poets to innovatively collaborate, perform and grow together through poetry by practising peace and professionalism. We believe it is crucial that poetry remains alive, and that young poets will get the chance to keep it alive. We strive to be heard, to be seen, and to be understood..


To establish ourselves as a recognized initiative in the GTA, to showcase artists and to create a stable base for the initiative in the years to come. Our aim is to use poetry/spoken word as a tool for social awareness. Each showcase will be dedicated to a particular cause, and half of the Ignite funds will be donated to the particular cause of each show.



We dream of days

when we can state that poetry will survive

we can keep it alive

That people will actually listen and echo ours words

because they have understood what they’ve heard

we dream of days when it will not be shunned

when we leave people stunned

forcing them to rethink their realities

and what it means to 'be'

see this is who we are, no denying a fact

with words we made a pact

to be seen, heard & understood

from urban socialiates to those in the 'hood'

it doesn't matter who we are, we all spit poetry

letters connect us in our struggle to be free

from this corporate controlled society

where voices are hushed for the sake of propriety

well we refuse to be shut down

when there's ink, there's no need for a crown

we write in honour of the pen

like the phoenix rising from the ashes

we will rise again to take the stage

rekindle the flames and fuel the rage

to re-ignite, to re-unite, to incite

the flames of resurrection.

©Sheniz J

© Ignite Poets, 2006-2007


Submission Guidelines:

Dearest Ignite Supporters & Poets,

This is an official call for submissions. Send in your most dynamic (experimental & collaborative are welcome) pieces relating to 'multiculturalism' -in all its manifestations and meanings.

Selection Process:

1) Send up to three pieces of spoken word/poetry to ignite_poets@hotmail.com as a Word attachment or in the body of the email. Include a brief bio.

2) It will be judged based on 4 criterion:

1- Definite flow, rhythm, quality and thoughtfulness of piece.

2- No excessive violence unless used as a technique to promote the opposite.

3- No racism, attack on minority groups

4- No excessive swearing

3) The IGNITE leadership will send out “request” emails, asking chosen poets to showcase.

4) Chosen poets either decline or accept the invitation for the first show.

5) Those who accepted will be informed (through email) of upcoming poetry events, meetings and required preparation for showcases.

Ignite the fire within.

[ Sign Guestbook | View Guestbook ]

If you are interested in performing or would like Ignite Poets to perform for your event, please contact IGNITE President and Founder Sheniz Janmohamed @ ignite_poets@hotmail.com


© Mai'Tai Media